The Bosnia project lasted from 2013 to 2016 and was led by Renata Hanselmann. The goal was, in cooperation with Homöopathen ohne Grenzen Deutschland (HOG), the reconstruction of the Homöopathieschule in Sarajevo. HOG led the famous project in Mostar (see book “Homoeopathy between War and Peace”) and subsequently built a school. The school had not been able to keep itself independent and it was about the reopening of a homeopathy school.
Since we are internationally networked, we wanted to build a sustainable structure for this institution for the Germans. The Bosnians founded a non-profit association and we accompanied this whole process with coaching and supervision. Unfortunately, even after 3 years, the resuscitation process did not progress, so that the project was terminated on our part. Bosnia is still paralyzed in socio-political structures. There were too few homeopaths willing to teach and too few people willing to engage.